What You must Do to be Lifted is not Praying or Working by Gabriel-Wealth Olatuja

Olatuja Gabriel

 What You must Do to be Lifted is not Praying or Working 

Gabriel-Wealth Olatuja. 

What you must do to be lifted is not praying alone, it's is not working alone. It is both praying and working. 

You're praying for the door of breakthrough to open, but instead, the doors are closing. Yes, it's possible. Hear me, it will never happen praying alone and folding your arms to happen on its own. You need to do something to make it happen. Do be dependent on God doesn't mean to leave your responsibilities to God while you do nothing. 


Grace does not do what you need to do for you, rather it helps you, it energises you to do what you need to do to achieve your desired goals. 

They reason why you are praying and you're not seeing results is not because God has not answered your prayers, but because you are not doing your part. There are two dimensions to breakthrough: "Doing" and "faith". 

Nothing can happen without you working or doing something to make it happen. Grace does not work for someone who is not prepared. Success is meant for someone who is prepared. Even gambling where people, win by luck, there's a level of input before the gambler can win the jackpot. Part of the input is money, time, calculations and analyzing the game critically  etc. 

The grace of God may be upon you to become a professor but you can't become a professor without a bachelor's/masters degree and PhD. The grace will energise you to study to PhD level. The grace will never catapult you from being an SSCE holder to a professor. You have a responsibility.

Work and pray. Act and pray. Prepare and pray. Praying without doing your part won't bring any fruitful result. Be more diligent in your career, business, job, academic etc.

You need to pay the "price" of greatness to win the "Prize" of greatness - Gabriel Olatuja. 

Stop hoping that one day, your situation will change. Instead, start taking steps to change the situation yourself. Nothing happens without making it happen!

This is why Ignorant and lazy Christians are poor. Laziness may be failure to do or failure to think the right way. You need to take the right steps, you need to think the right thoughts to experience a turnaround.

You are maximising grace when you are working, studying, learning while others are playing and sleeping. Stop being a spectator hoping that things will happen one day. Hoping is a beginning of frustration because nothing will happen without making it happen. That's why "hope" is different from "faith". 

"Hoping" means folding your arms, doing nothing and expecting something to happen.

"Faith" on the other hand means having conviction that, something will happen and doing everything possible, sacrificing everything possible to make it happen. Faith is a total package.

Faith = Praying + Working.

You are waiting for someone to help you, time has come and gone, they refused to help you. Now, you are frustrated. You are angry with everybody because they are not helping you. What you refuse to realise is that you have all you need to turn your situation around without any helper. Your problem is laziness. Fear of taking steps or taking risks is also laziness.

There are some helpers that God will not allow into your life. God has made you a helper for so many generations, God has made you a problem solver for so many people. Instead of taking your place and fulfilling your purpose, you're waiting for a helper that will block you from achieving your purpose by giving you a help that will deter you from achieving your purpose. God will not allow such helpers to come. You can wait as long as who knows, your situation will change only when you take the right steps.

God has deposited potential that will help you to become a billionaire in dollar, but because of your laziness, you're hoping that someone will give you N50,000 or give you a job. If getting the job is for you to learn and get prepared for the tasks ahead, it would have been better. But it's a different thing. You are rather looking for comfort zone where you will not do anything, where you will not take any risk. You need to change today.

You need to be violent with every entanglement that is holding you back from fulfilling your destiny. Enemies can't hold you back. So instead of thinking of enemies, think of your actions and inactions because they are responsible.

Straight from my heart to you 🖋 📙

Gabriel-Wealth Olatuja.

Email: [email protected]


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