Keep Confessing God's word, keep believing in it and keep taking the right steps - by Apostle Gabriel-Wealth Olatuja

Olatuja Gabriel


Don't do things because you are told to do it.  Believe in God's word, run with it to catch your own reality in the realm of the spirit. The Greek work is Katalambano. Don't copy and say what a preacher says just to show that you are following the teaching. Katalambano it. Obtain it and make it your own. 

Instead of thinking like all he or she is teaching os not true, why not think of how to make it truth and a reality for you? 

You don't have a dime in your pocket, but God's word to you is that you are reach. Don't try to think that God's word is a lie. Instead, think of how to obtain God's word and make it your own reality to bring your own wealth to life. The fact that it has not manifested now doesn't make it a lie.

When you keep professing and confessing and declaring God's words concerning the situation, it helps to boost your faith. It will therefore help you to take the right step and actions to make it a reality.

The fact that your expectation have not been realised doesn't mean God hasn't answered your prayers. It doesn't also mean God does not love you. Neither does it mean you are a failure in  life. You are just in a phase of your life. It is temporal.

You may be having different situations that are not in tandem with God's provisions for you. Don't be distracted. Rather, focus on how to use God's word to navigate through the situation and defeat the situation.

Don't try to do things because you are told to do it. See the reasons to.

Something you need to also know as a child of God. If you are not experiencing the good and prosperous provisions that have been made available to you in God's word, it may be the result principle or a step that you have failed to follow and act upon.

God's word says you have abundance, yet, you are in lack. The truth is that you have abundance. But to bring it to reality, there are principles you must follow, there are things you must do. You have some physical responsibilities to make the provisions of God to become manifest in your life.

Don't feel sad when you see others achieving great things and it seems you are not progressing. Instead of becoming humiliated by another person's successes, all you need do is to count your own success and also have a clarity of what you want to achieve and pursue it until you achieve it. Life is not a competition. It may take time, efforts, commitments, consistency... But the truth remains that God's word will never fail. Don't faint before the provisions begin to come to manifestation.

God's word says you are healthy. All you need do is believe it. Run with it. Take the right actions to make it a reality.

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