Do you think the Christians who speak in tongues are saying nonsense? - By Apostle Gabriel-Wealth Olatuja

Olatuja Gabriel

Question: Do you think those who pray in tongues are saying nonsense?

See answer in this article.

But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit (Jude 1:20 AMPC). 

What you did to become born again was to believe [have faith] that Jesus has died and resurrected to save you. You confessed that from that day l  you have the life of God, and you are saved. It was all "faith" and nothing else.

Note this: When I say "I accept Jesus...", it means "I receive Jesus..."

Note this again: God the father, God the son and God the holy spirit are all one in Jesus Christ. 

So when you received Jesus into your life, you received the holy spirit. All you need is to have faith that you have received the holy spirit, acknowledge his presence on your inside and follow his instructions and directives. Let me not digress from the subject.

The next thing after you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour was to receive the holy spirit, which is Jesus Christ into your heart. This again, you do by faith. When you receive holy spirit, you won't see Him enter you physically. Although some people have some experience and manifestations like falling under the anointing or speaking in unknown tongues immediately they receive the holy spirit. So many others don't have same experience. 

So even if you didn't have the experience, that doesn't mean you don't have the holy spirit. If you have given your heart to Christ, all you need to do is to believe that you have God's spirit in you. God's spirit is God. The holy spirit is Jesus himself. He's in you. All you need to do is to acknowledge the truth by faith. The next think is to learn to pray in tongues. 

When you speak in other tongues, you pray in the holy ghost. When you pray in the holy ghost, you edify yourself. You energise yourself. You activate the power in you. You activate the fire in you.

Many of us keep praying for fire to come into them. The question is how does the fire look like inside you? How do you know fire has entered you? The fire comes with the spirit. To fuel the fire to keep burning and to radiate light to illuminate darkness, what you need to do is to speak in tongues. 

Everyone who has the holy spirit already has fine, but if you don't fuel your fire by speaking in tongues, you fire will not burn. Speaking in tongues impacts your spirit. It fuels tour fire. Speaking in tongues represents petrol. When you pour petrol into fire, it explodes. The same happens in the realm of the spirit. 

So many people have the fire, the fire is just there, not burning because they didn't fuel it. The only fuel in the bible to ignite the fire is by speaking in tongues. Not even praying in known languages. 

The reason why it is difficult to be edified when you pray in a knowledge language is because if you are not thanking God, you are requesting for one thing or the other in your prayers. That will not impact your spiritman. But when you speak in unknown tongues, you don't know what you are saying, it's not a time to ask God to give you this or that. You are concentrated to be impacted, edified, glorified and firebranded. Hallelujah!

That is what the scripture says when it says, "He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself" (1 Corinthians 14:4). It means when you pray in tongues, you ignite the fire, you activate your power. It is for you, not for someone else. That's why no one understands what you are saying. They can think you are saying nonsense or that you are making noise, but no! You are causing things to change in the spirit realm. Hahaha!

If you have faith that you have received the holy spirit, all you need to do is to open your mouth and say whatever the holy spirit puts in your mouth.

At beginning, you are like a child that is just learning to talk. Don't worry. Keep saying whatever comes to your mouth in tune with what is in your mind. Don't be distracted. 

With time, your spiritual language will become more perfect like other person's. Don't always pray in the language you understand. 

Let me tell you a secret about when you pray in the language that you understand and when you pray in tongues. 

When you pray in the language you understand,  everyone also understands. Spiritual forces of darkness, enemies, demons and even satan also understands that prayer point. So when they hear what you are praying about, it is easy to try to stop the prayers from being answered.

On the otherhand, when you pray in tongues, you tune whatever you are saying to the prayer in your mind, but all that is audible is not understandable by you or anyone else. Even devil, satan cannot understand what you are saying, so they can't stop your prayers from being answered. You see it? Praying in tongues helps to seal your prayers, it cannot be tampered with. Priest of Persia blocked the answers Daniel's prayers because he was praying in a knowledge language that the priest of Persia understood. Else, he won't have known that God has sent an angel to deliver the answer to Daniel's prayers. But because he was aware, he blocked the angel from delivering the answer. Seal your prayers with unknown tongues.

Don't think those that pray in tongues are saying nonsense. No! They are speaking the language that only heavens understand. When you speak in tongues, you will become more empowered spiritually. Enemies will not be able to afflict you or stop your plans because they don't even know it in the first place.

Wherever you we now. Open your mouth and start saying whatever comes you your mind. You can close your eyes so you can concentrate. Tune your mind to prayer mood. Say whatever comes you your mouth, an unknown language. The power of God shall overshadow you there.

If you have any questions on this message, feel free to send me a mail at [email protected] or call/WhatsApp +2348067380225. I will be glad to answer. God bless you.

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